Over my lifetime I’ve learned many things about health as I yearned to be and stay healthy. I was very athletic in my school years and wanted to be the best in all the sports I played. Football was my favorite sport with Motorcycle Racing taking a close second. I loved weight training and fitness exercises, and went into the military ready to conquer the world of becoming a great soldier. So much so that boot camp was easy for me. I wanted to always be healthy.

After leaving the military, I went back into racing and knew I had enough talent to do well, but knew that I was going to have to be in the best shape possible. With racing being so grueling in the hotter months, I also needed to learn how to eat right. I started studying to become a personal trainer and a nutritionist, and the rest was history!

After many years of racing, I found a lot of success through fitness and took a lot of pride in being a strong racer. Of course being in good shape meant that crashing would be easier to recover from in a physical sense, and racing overall would be easier for me to endure. It was in the 90’s that I also began doing contract work for Lee Labrada when he started his company, Labrada Bodybuilding Nutrition. Eventually, I was hired at Labrada and worked closely with a very knowledgeable nutritionist who helped me fill in the blanks on natural nutrition formulas that worked for athletes.

Later in my racing career I met a man who wanted to become one of my sponsors, and the field he was in just happened to be healing with cold laser light, also known as Low Level Laser Therapy or LLLT. Mike Barbour practically pioneered this work; having spent millions to patent a process of using concentrated light (laser) at a certain frequency that he was able to prove was the most effective at reaching the damaged tissue. I found this new technology so fascinating that I became a Certified Laser Therapist, and eventually a Certified Instructor able to train other therapists and doctors in its use.

Other times I was inspired by doctors for their knowledge of healing through natural means. These theories built credibility with me very quickly though Dr. Mark Schulz, who I worked closely with on the use of LLLT. Dr. Schulz used his amazing knowledge of Kinesiology and Chiropractic to quickly and accurately diagnose every ailment I ever had. My days of taking chemical medicine were over. I knew that what I discovered through Dr. Schulz others was the real truth of God’s work to give us what we need to heal naturally.

Over the years I have stayed in touch with fitness, healing, nutrition, and pain medicine, knowing that what I had learned was important to others who needed these great forms of health and healing. After writing my first book, and being told by my publisher that I should be writing about these topics, I was inspired to work harder on “8 Steps to Health”, a book I had already begun writing. I have discovered so many great things over the years, and so much of this opposes what we are told is healthy. I wanted to share with people everywhere what I had learned and was still learning. So today, while doing a weekly radio show, I continue on my quest to write about the health subjects I’ve learned so much about. In the months to come I will publish “8 Steps to Health & Vitality” and fulfill my goals of sharing the importance of wellness and longevity with the world.

Racers and Athletes can learn from my book Race to Win!”

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